SignalR Performance with IIS 7.5

I've been using Signal R on a project for the last couple of weeks and it works great, I even did a stress test with Crank yesterday and got 1000 users with no real lag.

I need to move on to the next phase of testing today, so I decided to move it to IIS 7.5

After flipping it over and doing a quick touch test, I decided to do another stress test - this time I only got 10 users and the site was almost dead.

Does anyone know why this is happening? I've followed all the information about Signal R performance tuning and its zero difference.

Can anyone please help?


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1 answer

In some cases, maximum concurrent requests can be exceeded by ~ 10 (old by default). This was changed in later versions of .net to default to 5000. From what is happening on your machine, I would assume your value is still (somehow) ~ 10.

I know you said you looked at the SignalR performance tuning part, but make sure your configurations are set correctly for the Maximum Parallel Requests Per Processor section at . It makes sense to ignore the section suggesting 5k concurrent requests is sufficient, but in earlier versions the default was very low.

You can also check: for more information on using parallel IIS queries, specifically in the 7th paragraph.



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