How do I upload multiple files over REST over HTTP with Mule?

I have a folder "MyFiles" where I have a lot of files. Now I need to download this file via REST over HTTP. What would be the approach?

I tried the following but it is wrong.

<flow name="testFlow1" doc:name="testFlow1">
        <http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8081" doc:name="HTTP"/>


    <http:endpoint host="localhost" port="5430" encoding="UTF-8" 
                method="POST" connector-ref="fileHttp" path="fileuploader" name="muleFileUploader">



Please, help. Since the input folder will have multiple files, how can we achieve this?



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1 answer

Your stream does not use the input file endpoint and use a generic (non-inbound) HTTP endpoint, so there is no way to work.

Below is a configuration that successfully uploads files to an HTTP endpoint. I can't get it to work without object-to-byte-array-transformer

(the same file being checked over and over again - a bug?), So I hope your files aren't huge ...

<flow name="fileUploader">
    <file:inbound-endpoint path="/tmp/mule/in"
        pollingFrequency="5000" moveToDirectory="/tmp/mule/done" />
    <object-to-byte-array-transformer />
    <http:outbound-endpoint address="http://..."
        method="POST" exchange-pattern="request-response" />




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