FaceBook integration in PhoneGap app

I am working on a facebook integration in a phonegap / cordova app. I am following the link



I follow the same steps as mentioned in the article, but when I create a solution it gives an error.

 Could not parse contents of /Users/Burhan/Desktop/facebookExample/facebookExample/facebookExample-Info.plist‌​': 
 The data couldn’t be read because it has been corrupted. 



I am stuck. Help me. Thank you in advance. Burkhan


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3 answers

Here is a blog post that might be helpful to you, it explains more simply the step by step process of integrating facebook plugin into your phone screensaver app.



For future facebook integration with cordova / phonegap refer to Official Facebook Plugin



function register_log_FB () {openFB.init ({appId: '888864354512771'});

if (app_userid == 'undefined' || app_userid == null || app_userid == "") {
    console.log("No user_id so facebook login");
    app_userid = "";
} else {
    console.log("user exit");
    console.log("app_userid>>>>>>>" + app_userid);

    first_nameFB = "";
    last_nameFB = "";
    social_idFB = "";
    console.log(" >>>>>>>data>>>>lat " + rest_lat + " lng >>" + rest_lng
            + ">>fn " + first_nameFB + ">>ln " + restaurant_id + ">>rid "
            + last_nameFB + ">>tele " + telephone + ">>sid " + social_idFB
            + " >>img" + saveImg + ">>uid " + app_userid + ">>name "
            + re_name);


function FBlogin() {
    openFB.login(function(response) {
        if (response.status === 'connected') {
        } else {
            console.log('Facebook login failed: ' + response.error);
    }, {
        scope : 'email,read_stream'

function getInfo() {
        path : '/me',
        success : function(data) {
            first_nameFB = data.first_name;
            last_nameFB = data.last_name;
            social_idFB = data.id;

        error : errorHandler

function errorHandler(error) {
    console.log("Server error");





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