Convert TIFF to JPEG with .NET

I need to convert TIFF to JPEG using .NET.

I've already done this successfully using Windows 7 with simple Bitmap.Save()

. But it doesn't seem to work on Windows XP (Windows 7 has more complete support for TIFF images).

I saw that there is a .NET library called LibTiff.Net that works well with TIFF, but I didn't find any example code.

Any ideas? Any sample code for converting JPEG to TIFF?

Really thanks


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1 answer

I am assuming you want to convert TIFF to JPEG (as stated in the question title), not JPEG to TIFF (as stated in the body of the question)

Here is an example that creates a System.Drawing.Bitmap from TIFF .

You can save the bitmap as a JPEG file.



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