Error in fromJSON (paste (, collapse = "")): unclosed string

I am using the R package rjson

to download weather data from Often I leave the program to run, and there is no problem as the data is collected in order. However, often the program stops and I get the following error message:

Error in fromJSON(paste(, collapse = "")) : unclosed string
In addition: Warning message:
In readLines(conn, n = -1L, ok = TRUE) :
  incomplete final line found on '[my_API_code]/history_20121214pws:1/q/pws:IBIRMING7.json'


Does anyone know what this means and how I can avoid this since it stops my program from collecting data as I would like?

Many thanks,



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1 answer

I can repair the error with a package rjson


Here's an example that works.

rjson::fromJSON('{"x":"a string"}')
# $x
# [1] "a string"


If we omit the double quote from the value x

, then we get an error message.

rjson::fromJSON('{"x":"a string}')
# Error in rjson::fromJSON("{\"x\":\"a string}") : unclosed string


The package RJSONIO

behaves somewhat differently. Instead of throwing an error, it silently returns NULL


RJSONIO::fromJSON('{"x":"a string}')
# $x




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