Optional boolean defaults ConfigurationSection

I created a custom config section with the following property:

private const string UseMediaServerKey = "useMediaServer";
[ConfigurationProperty(UseMediaServerKey, IsRequired = false, DefaultValue = false)]
public bool UseMediaServer
    get { return bool.Parse(this[UseMediaServerKey] as string); }
    set { this[UseMediaServerKey] = value; }


I understand that if the property is not defined in the config file then it is returned DefaultValue


However, in the above case, a is ArgumentNullException

thrown into bool.Parse(...)

, which means that the accessor is executed by default even if the config property is not defined.

Of course, I can change the accessor property to:

    private const string UseMediaServerKey = "useMediaServer";
    [ConfigurationProperty(UseMediaServerKey, IsRequired = false)]
    public bool UseMediaServer
        get {
            bool result;
            if (bool.TryParse(this[UseMediaServerKey] as string, out result))
                return result;

            return false;
        set { this[UseMediaServerKey] = value; }


But then what is the point of the property DefaultValue



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1 answer

this[UseMediaServerKey] as string


because the value is of type bool

, not string

. You don't need to do string conversions in the custom configuration section: everything is done for you using the framework.

Simplify your code:

public bool UseMediaServer
    get { return (bool) this[UseMediaServerKey]; }
    set { this[UseMediaServerKey] = value; }


And you're done. this[UserMediaServerKey]

will return DefaultValue

correctly entered if not in the config file. If you've ever had to change the string conversion process, put the property TypeConverterAttribute

in a config property. But this is not needed here.



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