Push notification not getting on Galaxy Nexus and Samsung S3 for my Android app

My android app was already live in play store. Now I have updated this push notification app using gcm and thus installed the updated version from the play store in 5 devices (HTC, Micromax, Samsung S3, Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Ace plus).

According to our logic, all device IDs are stored in the server side database. And these IDs are finally sent to the GCM server. Now when the push notification is sent, I only get it on HTC and Micromax.

What's the problem for the other 3 devices (Samsung S3, Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Ace)?


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2 answers

Android 3.1 or later, your app will not receive broadcasts until the user opens your app at least once.




I'm not sure if your problem is that you haven't provided any code.

but make sure the DateTime on your device DateTime should not be in the past. Because GCM cannot sync with past Datetime. you have to reset show date. Not sure, but try it. might solve your problem.



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