Passing array via AJAX from php to javascript

I need to get an array created with script php. I have latitude and longitude for each user in the database. I am fetching values ​​from db with this code (file.php):

$query = "SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM USERS";
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo $array;


and i am calling with ajax with this code:

     function( result ){    


but even if in script php the array is correct (if i echo array [25] i get correct value) in javascript i get "Undefined". How can I get the array correctly? thank!

edit: after encoding with json_encode ($ array); in php and JSON.parse (result) in javascript doesn't seem to work. In the console, I have an array, but I cannot access its values. (Array [0] gave me "Undefined").


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3 answers

use this

echo json_encode($array);


server side


var arr=JSON.parse(result);


client side



As Ruslan Polutsyagan said, you use

echo json_encode($array);


on the PHP side.

On the Javascript side, you can simply add DataType to $ .post () - Function:

  function( result ){    


and the result-Parameter is the parsed JSON-Data.

You can also set the correct Content-Type in your PHP Script. Then jQuery should automatically parse the JSON data returned from your PHP script:

header('Content-type: application/json');





You need to convert php array to json, try:

echo json_encode($array);

jQuery should be able to see the json return and automatically create the javascript object.

$.post('./file.php', function(result)
     $.each(result, function()
         console.log(this.Latitude + ":" + this.Longitude);




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