Overriding many methods of many classes in one class

public class EventController extends MouseAdapter implements ActionListener {

    private EventModel model;
    private EventView  view;
    String tableClick;
    Events events;    

    /** Constructor */
   public EventController(EventModel myModel, EventView myView){
       model = myModel;
       view = myView;     

   public void setUpListeners() {

   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
       Object button = e.getSource();
       if(button==this.view.addEventButton) {

   public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event) {
      int rowSelected = view.tableEvent.getSelectedRow();


How do I override the keyPressed

KeyListener class method the same way I did with mouseClicked

and ActionPerformed

, I really don't want to override keyTyped

and keyReleased

, just my keyPressed

own. Interaction takes place in another class named VIEW


source to share

6 answers

Java does not support multiple inheritance, so you cannot extend multiple classes, you cannot have something like:

class EventController extends MouseAdapter, KeyAdapter


However, you can implement multiple interfaces, but it looks like you want to avoid this.

Now the solution to this problem is always the same, use composition over inheritance. You can easily have two inner classes, one that extends KeyAdapter

and the other MouseAdapter

. Then, when you need to add listeners, you use the fields of your class instead this


Something like that:

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;

public class EventController {
    private EventModel model;
    private EventView  view;
    String tableClick;
    Events events;

    private MouseAdapter mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() {

        public void mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent event) {
          int rowSelected = view.tableEvent.getSelectedRow();

    private KeyAdapter keyAdapter = new KeyAdapter() {
        public void keyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e) {
            // Perform here whatever is needed
            // You also have access to your enclosing instance EventController.this and its methods

    private ActionListener actionListener = new ActionListener() {@Override
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
           Object button = e.getSource();
           if(button==this.view.addEventButton) {


    /** Constructor */
   public EventController(EventModel myModel, EventView myView){
       model = myModel;
       view = myView;     

   public void setUpListeners() {
       // Here you can also add the keyadapter to your views





You cannot, because you are limited to single inheritance in Java. So you will have to implement the KeyListener and provide an implementation for these two methods (which does nothing).

The best design would be a separation of duties and a class for mouse events, another for action events, and a third for key events. Classes can be implemented as anonymous inner classes.



Swing provides adapter classes to support overriding methods without having to execute all of them in the Listener class.

If you only need to implement some of the KeyListener methods, you must use the KeyAdapter class .



You cannot do this.

A class can only extend from another class (multiple inheritance is prohibited in Java).

A class can implement multiple interfaces, but since the interface does not provide an implementation of the method you must provide it (or declare the class abstract

or even yourself interface


Since you are already extending MouseAdapter

you need to implement ActionListener




Instead of providing listeners directly to the EventController, do it in inner classes. For example, one inner class can extend MouseAdapter and call the EventController methods to do the actual work. Another inner class can extend KeyAdapter and call other methods of EventController.

Attach instances of the inner classes as listeners, not the EventController itself.



Find composite and facade patterns for code reuse.

class SilverBullet implements Interface1, Interface2 {
   Concrete1 c1;
   Concrete2 c2;

   void someMethod() {



