The GWBASIC programming language with a total size of 79KB. How?

The programming language is only 79 KB in size.

The GWBASIC programming language is confusing me, I download it and its size is 79KB only, how is it possible? I have never seen a 79kb language before .

Another programming language like mysql is 32.6M in size .

Please exaplain whay GWBASIC 79KB .



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1 answer

An early desktop BASIC interpreter like GW-BASIC is a language translator, and not much more. Libraries (for graphics or web or database, for example) are not provided. The "IDE" is a simple line-oriented source editor and therefore very small. The Documentation and Instruction Manual is a hard copy only. There are no external tools (configuration management, unit testing) to integrate.

Why such an environment with poor performance? Developers are limited by main memory constraints (hence how large an executable file can be) and average distribution (floppy disks, tapes, etc.).



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