Can a string be returned from a Bash function without using echoes or globals?

I go back to a lot of Bash scripting in my work and I'm rusty.

Is there a way to return a local value string from a function without making it global or using echo? I want the function to be able to interact with the user through the screen, but also pass the return value to a variable without something like export return_value="return string"

. The printf command seems to respond in exactly the same way as echo.

For example:

function myfunc() {
    [somecommand] "This appears only on the screen"
    echo "Return string"

# return_value=$(myfunc)
This appears only on the screen

# echo $return_value
Return string



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2 answers

Not. Bash returns nothing but the numeric exit status of the function. Your choice:

  • Set a non-local variable inside the function.
  • Use echo

    , printf

    or similar for output. This output can then be assigned outside of the function using command substitution.


To make it only appear on screen, you can redirect the echo to stderr:

echo "This is only displayed on screen"> & 2

Obviously stderr shouldn't be redirected.



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