Regenerate and pull new CSRF token via AJAX and Rails

I have a Backbone app on top of a Rails backend. I have no problem sending the CSRF token, but I have a problem when I log out and want to log back in, but this does not validate the login because the CSRF token changes after I log out.

Is there a way to pull this CSRF token without making a full page request, or should I always force the browser to refresh the entire page from the server after logging out to prevent this from happening?

I'm fine with a full browser refresh if there is no other way around this CSRF issue, I just think my users are getting a kind of shitty experience due to CSRF, but I think they will forgive me if their accounting is better protected.


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1 answer

Check out the tutorial "Finally Dealing Correctly with CSRF Rails Protection and Backbone AJAX" here:



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