Eclipse or vim plugin similar to ctrl + p and type @ to find function / method list in sublime

eclipse is good at autocomplete on static typing, when dynamic typing , eclipse failed to autocomplete; in sublime ctrl + p, type @ and type "method name" to find a list of functions / methods. This is a great way to find the right method when encoding dynamic input languages;

key point: the operation in sublime text 2 is very convenient, the whole key type is in one input field; you never need to activate the active file tab; we can focus on the active tab of the code file;

is there any plugin in eclipse or vim that can conveniently search for a method of any file?


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1 answer

In ST2, this function is used to quickly jump to a method anywhere in your project.

In Eclipse, Control+ Shift+ Ryou can quickly navigate to "resource" (file) and Control+ Shift+ T- to navigate to a type (not a method). Control+ oopens a very useful and quick outline of the current file. It doesn't work for the whole project.

I don't know what works exactly the same as the ST2 function. Are you looking for a market?

In Vim, FuzzyFinder, Command-T and CtrlP all allow you to navigate through your project using fuzzy matching. They can be customized to use your file tags

. AFAIK, there is no plugin that provides exactly what ST2 provides.

From your question, I'm not sure if you are using it as intended: it looks like you are using it to show a list of methods in some file in your project in order to use the correct method in your code. This sounds a lot like you get autocomplete to me.

As an IDE, Eclipse shines on this front: in the Code Helper window, you'll see where the proposal is listed as well as its type.

Vim "omnicompletion" is quite limited compared to the IDE, but depending on your language and the use of some third party scripts it can be made quite powerful.



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