Update produced by InstallShield 2012 reports installed version in bad format

During the upgrade, I see the following messages using the installer generated with InstallShield 2012 Spring:

  • The InstallShield Wizard will update the installed version (9.01.005) of <our product> to version
  • The InstallShield Wizard updates (9.01.005) of <our product> to version

These messages are based on string resources IDS_IFX_SDWELCOMMESSAGE_UPDATE_WELCOME


. I believe immutable string resources would look like this:

  • The InstallShield Wizard will update the installed version (% VI)% P to version% VS. Click Next to continue.
  • InstallShield Wizard updates (% VI)% P to version% VS.

although some resources indicate that the second line resource is: "InstallShield Wizard has updated% VI% P to version% VS."

The problem is that the old (installed) version number should be a displayable string like "" instead of the formatted version of the internal version number like "9.01.005". As far as I understand, SdSubstituteProductInfo


to fill in substitutions %VI

in OnUpdateUIBefore

standard InstallScript code. And IFX_INSTALLED_DISPLAY_VERSION

the default is from IFX_INSTALLED_VERSION

, which explains why the preferred display line doesn't appear where we would like it to. And my guess is that SdWelcome

(or any dialog or code similarly referencing IFX_INSTALLED_DISPLAY_VERSION

) also displays the poorly formatted version.

Despite all my internet searches about the functions, strings and string IDs mentioned above, I have not found a perfect solution for displaying a properly formatted old version number (DisplayVersion) in the correct format. Some articles suggest hardcoding a format string that skips the old version number instead of using a string resource that includes %VI

. Others suggest manually formatting the version number as desired and putting the result in IFX_INSTALLED_DISPLAY_VERSION

. I know there is a better answer and I want it to be easier to find next time I or someone else finds it.


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1 answer

In the OnBegin

InstallScript function, add the following line of InstallScript code as the first line after begin




Doing this in OnBegin also ensures that another message not mentioned in the question is using the correct format:

The tweak found that version% VI% P is already installed.

This installation installs an earlier version of% P (% VS).

Before installing this version, you will have to uninstall the previous version.



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