Emulate / simulate SQL Azure locally?

Slightly OT from the usual MS development stuff.

I would like to write the following .NET 4.0 application using MSSQL 2008 as the database, but configure the storage and access methods to be "Azure ready", so when the new fiscal year starts in summer we can perhaps do that there is little impact on how easy it is to change the connection string (I know it would be more than that) and we can just use SQL Azure.

I saw stuff at http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlazure/videos.aspx

Have any gurus seen tips / pointers on how to do this?



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4 answers

Azure has local simulators already in the SDK, you can just use them.

When it comes to switching from SQL 2k8 to Azure SQL, keep in mind that you will lose a lot of functionality. Azure does not allow any custom types, full text search, and also reduces system functionality.

Azure SQL is limited to 10 GB per database, no exceptions. And you cannot cross-query the database.

SQL Server features are not supported in Azure: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff394115.aspx

T-SQL capabilities are not supported in Azure: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee336250.aspx



You might want to check out the SQL Azure vs SQL Server comparison info page here . This will help you avoid some features that are not yet found in SQL Azure. Then you can create SQL Azure while using SQL Server on-premises. Some common things to consider when setting up SQL Azure:

  • Certain sys tables are missing
  • No distributed transactions
  • You cannot connect from one database server to another
  • Each table needs a clustered index

You can also check the SQL Azure Migration Wizard . This tool will perform a compatibility analysis for you and transfer your schema to SQL Azure.



Personally, I wouldn't worry.

I am just using Azure SQL Database for development and testing. This way you can be sure that it will work.

David Makogon is right with the list of what is not there. When I ported a large application to azure, I found that the biggest pain was the lack of SELECT INTO, which I used to populate temporary tables in multiple stored procedures.

For 7GBP per month, you can evolve against a real azure database and be 100% sure it will work when migrating.




If you prefer to develop locally, you can use Red Gate SQL Compare and Data Compare to activate the changes. As long as you do this regularly, you will know if your SQL-Azure is compatible with your local SQL server, so you don't run the risk of using unsupported syntax or object types.



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