Mozilla User Authentication

What are the benefits of using Persona if I want to restrict my email address to access a site? Do I need to manage in the same way an authorized email address on my server? What's missing?


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2 answers

The two main benefits of using Persona on your site are:

  • You don't need to store passwords in your database.
  • Users don't need to choose a password just for your site.

If you want to restrict logins to specific email addresses (or limit your logins to a specific domain, for example) then Persona won't change anything for you. It gives you a verified email address and you are still doing verification on your own server.



Persona handles authentication for you, but not authorization. In other words, Persona makes it easy for you to prove that the current user actually owns the email address they give you, but it doesn't decide if you should give the owner of that email address access to your site.



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