Could not find Oracle OpenSSO Fedlet.NET home folder

I am trying to use Oracle Open SSO Fedlet, I successfully connected to IDP using the sample application supplied with the federated, but then when I remove the dll in the bin bin of my application and add the config files to the App_Data directory and try to visit the application, I get the message about error

Could not find the specified home folder

As I understand it, the default home folder should be App_Data, but it does exist and that's where I put my config files. Anyone ideas?


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1 answer

This error occurs when placing web pages in any folder other than the root folder. Then you can make it work by placing the App_Data folder in that folder.

So, if you create folder call pages and host your web pages there, create another folder called Pages \ App_Data and put all files that are in the current App_Data folder in a new folder and everything will work again



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