Ftp mget not working when used in script

I am trying to get multiple files from a Unix machine using MS DOS ftp script (Windows 7). I'm new to this, so I was trying to modify the online example. The code looks like this:

@echo off

REM ##################################
REM Change these parameters
set FTP_HOST=host
set FTP_USER=user
set FTP_REMOTE_DIR=/users/myAcc/logFiles
REM ##################################
set FTP_PASSWD=password

set SCRIPT_FILE=%TEMP%\ftp.txt
    echo %FTP_USER%
    echo %FTP_PASSWD%
    echo lcd %FTP_LOCAL_DIR%
    echo cd  %FTP_REMOTE_DIR%
    echo prompt
    echo mget %FTP_REMOTE_FILE%




However, when I run this, the command mget

fails and the following output is displayed:

Note: The output from the rest of the script shows that all of the previous steps are working as expected. I even added commands ls

to check that the script is in the correct directory.

ftp> mget *.log
200 Type set to A; form set to N.
mget logFile1_SystemOut_22-01-13.log? mget logFile2_SystemOut_22-01-13.log? mget 
logFile3_SystemOut_22-01-13.log? ftp>


I tested it manually by repeating the same steps and it works fine - no problem and the files will be successfully transferred to the C: \ Temp directory.

I have checked numerous forums and other sites and I see no reason why it should behave like this. Any guidance as to why this is not working in a script would be great!



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4 answers

The usual way to disable the prompt generated by ftp mget is

ftp -i


By default ftp waits for a prompt for every file it finds by the line mget "wildcard"

you create in the script.



I am calling scripts in Windows for example:

ftp -i -s:%SCRIPT_FILE% %FTP_HOST%


This is because it ftp -si:%SCRIPT_FILE% %FTP_HOST%

doesn't work.

I think it is the same on - switches must be separated.



ftp -i

worked for me.

Change ftp -s:%SCRIPT_FILE% %FTP_HOST%

to ftp -si:%SCRIPT_FILE% %FTP_HOST%

in script as suggested by @jim mcnamara.



ftp -i -s:%SCRIPT_FILE% %FTP_HOST%

also worked for me.

another option is to switch the prompt to the ftp script before you call mget (which is what you do) and I read somewhere too mget -i


but note: prompt

the ftp script will re-enable the prompt if it was disabled before. so use either ftp -i

OR prompt

, but not both!

you can check if your script works otherwise by repeating several times y

in the ftp script after mget, so it answers yes to the prompts as they come up.



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