ViewPager how to draw view only if caption is PagerTitleStrip


I have been dealing with this for a long time now and cannot find any decent documentation. I am locked out to support api level 8 and so viewing the pager seemed like a good solution. I worked with pagerTitleStrip. However, I want the user to be able to scroll between views while scrolling on the pagerTitleStrip. It works for me.


When I scroll to the top (touch_move) of a button, edittext fields, etc. The Viewpager only brings a small snippet of another view to the window. I want nothing to happen if the touchmove event doesn't scroll between the view, it's ontop pagerTitleStrip.

Unable to try:

I have set the onTouchListener from the viewPager and any onTouch event actions (touchmove, touchup, touchdown) that I use to determine if the user is scrolling onto the pagerTitleStrip.

//in onCreate()
dashboardPagerAdapter = new DashboardPagerAdapter(
dashboardViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;

// in onTouch
View pagerTitleArea = findViewById(;
    int pagerTitleBottomYLocation = pagerTitleArea.getBottom();
    initialYPositionOfEvent = 100; // set the initial position out of range.
    int action = event.getAction();

    if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN){
        initialYPositionOfEvent = event.getY();
        originWasTitleBar = (initialYPositionOfEvent > pagerTitleBottomYLocation) ? false : true ;
        hasTouchDownEventOccured = true;
        return true;
    } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE){
        if(originWasTitleBar && hasTouchDownEventOccured){
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    } else {
        if(originWasTitleBar && hasTouchDownEventOccured){
            originWasTitleBar = false;
            hasTouchDownEventOccured = false;
            return false;
        } else {
            originWasTitleBar = false;
            hasTouchDownEventOccured = false;
            return true;



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1 answer

Use ViewFlipper with buttons to switch content or use action bar tabs or something like that, maybe.



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