Interpolating Ruby String as ID

I am trying to understand interpolation and am trying to use a dynamic string (I say dynamically as it can change all the time, I push dates through the screen shot for movie releases) and as an id so that I can use bootstrap scrollspy in my project

I created a js fiddle using the usual id and bind tags that demonstrate what I am trying to achieve.

As you can see, I would like to show the release date of the movie if I am in that section when I scroll.

My code looks like this:

<div class="container">
 <div class="row">
  <div class="span8 offset2">
   <div id="dateNav">
    <ul class="dateNav">
      <li><a href="##{date}"></a><% @response.each_pair do |date, movie| %><%= link_to date_format(date) %><% end %></li>
<div class="span9">
 <% @response.each_pair do |date, movie| %>
  <h3 class="resultTitle fontSize13" id="<%= date %>">Available on&nbsp;<%= date_format(date) %></h3>
<!-- More movie information here
<% end %>


I have my body this way

<body data-spy="scroll" data-target="#dateNav">


and i call scrollspy like so



When you are in the relevant section, the date should appear


ul.dateNav ul li a {

ul.dateNav ul > > a{
color: red;
text-decoration: underline;


however, when scrolling the page, the dates are not displayed.

Any help that would be appreciated, really would like to clarify some understanding here.



ok so changed as Joe Pim suggested

<li><% @response.each_pair do |date, movie| %><%= link_to date_format(date), "##{date}" %><% end %></li>


Each date has its own ID, which hasn't happened before, but the corresponding date is still not displayed

HTML is now generated

<ul class="dateNav">
 <a href="#2013-01-09">9th Jan 2013</a>
 <a href="#2013-01-11">11th Jan 2013</a>
 <a href="#2013-01-18">18th Jan 2013</a>
 <a href="#2013-01-23">23rd Jan 2013</a>
 <a href="#2013-01-25">25th Jan 2013</a>
 <a href="#2013-01-30">30th Jan 2013</a>


EDIT for Sarah

scrollspy call



Nav for dates

<div class="container">
 <div class="row">
  <div class="span12">
   <div id="dateNav">
    <ul class="nav dateNav">
      <li><% @response.each_pair do |date, movie| %><%= link_to date_format(date), "#d_#{date}" %><% end %></li>


List of films

<div id="spyOnThis">
  <% @response.each_pair do |date, movie| %>
    <h3 class="resultTitle fontSize13" id="d_<%= date %>">Available on&nbsp;<%= date_format(date) %></h3>
    <% movie.each do |m| %>
      <div class="thumbnail clearfix">
        <img class="pull-left" src=<% if m.image_link %> <%= m.image_link %> <% else %> "/assets/noimage.jpg" <% end %>>
        <div class="caption pull-right">
          <%= link_to, m.title_id, :class => 'resultTitle fontSize11' %>
          <p class="bio"><%= %></p>
          <p class="resultTitle">Cast</p>
          <p class="bio"><%= m.cast.join(", ") unless m.cast.empty? %></p>
          <%= link_to "Remind me", reminders_path(:title_id => m.title_id), :method => :post, :class => 'links button' %>

    <% end %>
  <% end %>



#spyOnThis {


I am setting the height as automatic because the number of results can change every time

ul.dateNav > > a {
color: red;
text-decoration: underline;



source to share

2 answers

Identifiers starting with a number are not valid. Source

Try adding a string constant to the beginning of each identifier.

<a href="#d_#{date}"></a>



<h3 class="resultTitle fontSize13" id="d_<%= date %>">


Disclaimer: I don't know Ruby.


Ok so I stripped it and it worked. jsFiddle

I've changed some of your classes and ids for fiddle purposes (there also seems to be some confusion about .dateNav

and #dateNav

), but it should look something like this:

<ul class="nav dateNav">
    <a href="#d_#{date}"><% @response.each_pair do |date, movie| %><%= link_to date_format(date) %><% end %></a>



<div class="span9">
  <% @response.each_pair do |date, movie| %>
  <h3 class="resultTitle fontSize13" id="d_<%= date %>">Available on&nbsp;<%= date_format(date) %></h3>


You can put identifiers on div

(for example on a violin) or h3

, it doesn't matter. The important part is CSS and how you run ScrollSpy.

If you call it with JavaScript ( $('#spyOnThis').scrollspy()

), you need to attach it to the element that will fire the scroll events, not the menu that is tracking. Source
Also, you must remove data-spy

and data-target

from the item body


Last but not least, the element you call .scrollspy()

on must have height

and overflow: auto;

set for the plugin to keep track of the scroll position.



In your ERB where you have

<li><a href="##{date}"></a>


You are not interpolating it. Change it to:

<li><a href="#<%= date%>"></a>



Breaking it ... looks like the tag should be inside a loop?



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