ASP.NET Show Div conditionally

I have googled this and didn't find what I needed. All the existing solutions I have found say to set visibility to false. This doesn't seem to work for me, as my application makes a PDF that just "hides" the DIV and leaves a lot of white space on it.

Instead, I would not want to render HTML at all. For example, in PHP this can be done in the same way as:

<?php if ($showDiv == true) { ?>
<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>
<?php } ?>


In ASP.NET MVC, I can just pass the ViewBag variable and do the same.

What's the solution for this in ASP.NET (C #)?


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6 answers

<% if ( showDiv ) { %>
<% } %>


where showDiv will be the protected property in your code.



In the aspx file

<div runat="server" id="hideableDiv">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>


And in the code

hideableDiv.Visible = false;




use a control <asp:panel>

that renders as HTML <div>

. Then you can toggle the visibility. If the parameter is visible

set to false, will not render any content.

    <asp:Panel id="MyPanel" runat="server">

   MyPanel.Visible = false;





<div runat="server" id="myPdfDiv">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>


Code code

myPdfDiv.Visible = false;
myPdfDiv.InnerHTML = "";




Yes, you can place a div inside an ASP PlaceHolder control:

<asp:PlaceHolder id="PlaceHolder1" runat="server">


Then in codebehind you can set it like this:

PlaceHolder1.Visible = true;




Another solution that would not generate HTML:


<asp:Literal ID ="litDiv" runat="server">       


Code for:

bool showDiv = true;
if (showDiv)
    this.litDiv.Text = "<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</div>";




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