TDictionary is populated during the creation of the sample code
You need to call an overload of the dictionary constructor that takes a Collection
type parameter TEnumerable<TPair<TKey, TValue>>
For example, suppose we have TDictionary<string, Integer>
. Then we could pass an instance to the constructor TEnumerable<TPair<string, Integer>>
. An example of such a thing is TList<TPair<string, Integer>>
List := TList<TPair<string, Integer>>.Create;
List.Add(TPair<string, Integer>.Create('Foo', 42));
List.Add(TPair<string, Integer>.Create('Bar', 666));
Dictionary := TDictionary<string, Integer>.Create(List);
This is very cumbersome and you would never prefer this option over a simple Create
one and then a series of calls Add
. You would only use the option of transferring to an existing collection if you ended up with a ready-made one at hand.
Another example of a class that is derived from TEnumerable<T>
is TDictionary
TDictionary<TKey,TValue> = class(TEnumerable<TPair<TKey,TValue>>)
So, if you already have one instance of the dictionary, you can create another one and initialize it with the contents of the first one:
Dict2 := TDictionary<string, Integer>.Create(Dict1);
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Apparently you just need a one-liner, so I gave it a try, implemented TDictHelper
that allows you to create and populate a dictionary using a one-liner.
The problem with initializing a dictionary using any form of one-linear is that it needs value pairs and we don't have the necessary syntax to pass those pairs. For example, if you wanted to use the syntax TPair<Key, Value>.Create(A, B)
for every pair of values added to the dictionary, that would be one ugly one liner.
I figured out a couple of good alternatives; The first is used as follows:
with TDictHelper<Integer, string> do
Dict := Make([P(1, 'one'), P(2, 'two')]);
Usage with
is required because the TDictHelper
class I implemented in the class has a procedure Make
that takes an array as a parameter TPair<Key, Value>
; It would be unusable if I wrote it like:
Dict := TDictHelper<Integer, string>.Make(TPair<Integer, string>.Create(1, 'one'), TPair<Integer, string>.Create(2, 'two'));
It would work, but it would be very, very ugly!
Since usage with
can be problematic (especially if you want to use two dictionaries), I have included an alternative syntax; Unfortunately this one doesn't scale, it gets real ugly:
Dict := TDictHelper<Integer, string>.Make([1, 2], ['one', 'two']);
This alternative takes two separate arrays for keys and values, concatenates them inside a method Make
. Looks fine for 2-3 items, but doesn't scale: what if you have 10 items and need to remove the 7th pair? You will need to COUNT the items and that is error prone.
Here's the complete code, not a lot:
program Project25;
SysUtils, Generics.Collections;
TDictHelper<Key, Value> = class
class function P(const K:Key; const V:Value): TPair<Key, Value>;
class function Make(init: array of TPair<Key, Value>): TDictionary<Key, Value>;overload;
class function Make(KeyArray: array of Key; ValueArray: array of Value): TDictionary<Key, Value>;overload;
{ TDictHelper<Key, Value> }
class function TDictHelper<Key, Value>.Make(init: array of TPair<Key, Value>): TDictionary<Key, Value>;
var P: TPair<Key, Value>;
Result := TDictionary<Key, Value>.Create;
for P in init do
Result.AddOrSetValue(P.Key, P.Value);
class function TDictHelper<Key, Value>.Make(KeyArray: array of Key;
ValueArray: array of Value): TDictionary<Key, Value>;
var i:Integer;
if Length(KeyArray) <> Length(ValueArray) then
raise Exception.Create('Number of keys does not match number of values.');
Result := TDictionary<Key, Value>.Create;
for i:=0 to High(KeyArray) do
Result.AddOrSetValue(KeyArray[i], ValueArray[i]);
class function TDictHelper<Key, Value>.P(const K: Key;
const V: Value): TPair<Key, Value>;
Result := TPair<Key, Value>.Create(K, V);
// ============================== TEST CODE FOLLOWS
var Dict: TDictionary<Integer, string>;
Pair: TPair<Integer, string>;
// Nice-looking but requires "with" and you can't work with two kinds of DictHelper at once
with TDictHelper<Integer, string> do
Dict := Make([P(1, 'one'), P(2, 'two')]);
// Use the array
for Pair in Dict do
WriteLn(Pair.Key, ' = ', Pair.Value);
// Passing the Keys and the Values in separate arrays; Works without "with" but it would
// be difficult to maintain for larger number of key/value pairs
Dict := TDictHelper<Integer, string>.Make([1, 2], ['one', 'two']);
// Use the array
for Pair in Dict do
WriteLn(Pair.Key, ' = ', Pair.Value);
except on E:Exception do
WriteLn(E.ClassName, #13#10, E.Message);
finally ReadLn;
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The following example passes an array of keys and values to a custom constructor. Keys and values are placed in the same array using the template: key1, value1, key2, value2, ...., keyN, valueN. The array must contain an even number of elements.
unit MainUnit;
Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, System.Generics.Collections, System.Rtti;
TForm3 = class(TForm)
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
TMyDictionary<TK, TV> = class(TDictionary<TK,TV>)
constructor Create(const values: array of variant);
Form3: TForm3;
extensions: TMyDictionary<string, integer>;
constructor TMyDictionary<TK, TV>.Create(const values: array of variant);
I: Integer;
k, v: TValue;
kt: TK;
vt: TV;
inherited Create(Length(values) div 2);
I := Low(values);
while i <= High(values) do
k := TValue.FromVariant(values[i]);
v := TValue.FromVariant(values[i + 1]);
kt := k.AsType<TK>;
vt := v.AsType<TV>;
Add(kt, vt);
Inc(I, 2);
{$R *.dfm}
extensions := TMyDictionary<string, integer>.Create(['1', 1, '3', 3]);
I'm not too sure about the performance of the TValue methods, but if you have multiple items, I think it's negligible.
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