Nested model binding

--- EDIT ---

I have this model

public class MainModel {
  string Name;
  List<Address> Addresses;

public class Address {
  string prop2;


It's easy to create a view, but I haven't found a way to bind it in the POST request. I would like to avoid looping on Request.Form


  @foreach (var obj in Model.Address)
        <input type="text" id="@string.Format("obj.Name.{0}", obj.Id)" name="@string.Format("obj.Name.{0}", obj.Id)" value="@Model.Name" />
        //I'm not able to overwrite the name attribute, still working on that


Is there a way to automatically bind this list to the ActionController? Something like

public ActionResult Edit(MainModel model, List<Address> objects)


I am guessing that I need to create a custom model binding, but I have not found a way to do this

... MVC makes us lazy ... :)


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1 answer

From reading you requirements, you can think of a solution.

In the Views / EditorTemplates folder create an Address.cshtml view similar to

@model SampleMvc.Models.Address


Your edit window has markup similar to:

@using (Html.BeginForm()) {
    <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit"/>


The EditorFor will use the address editor template to render the label.

, ,

      <input id="Addresses_{HIGHESTIDVALUEHERE}__Id" type="hidden" value="{HIGHESTIDVALUEHERE}" name="Addresses[{HIGHESTIDVALUEHERE}].Id" data-val-required="The Id field is required." data-val-number="The field Id must be a number." data-val="true">
<input id="Addresses_{HIGHESTIDVALUEHERE}__Prop2" type="text" value="" name="Addresses[{HIGHESTIDVALUEHERE}].Prop2">


public ActionResult Edit(MainModel model){



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