Reading config file outside of jar
I am trying to create a jar where I can read the config file outside of the jar file. Preferably from the directory where the jar file is located. My directory structure looks like this:
I have a maven project in which I run mvn install to generate a jar file.
<!-- Build an executable JAR -->
Right now I am manually moving my config folder from / target / classes / config to / target / config. I researched the maven build plugin but I tried all different configurations and I couldn't get it to output only for / target / config it always outputs / target / audit -1.0 / config where audit-1.0 is my maven project name.
I am using Intellij IDEA to debug my program and build / install a maven project.
In the code, I am trying to access a file via
InputStream stream = Class.class.getResourceAsStream("/config/config.xml");
Which works when I run it in the IDE, but when I run it from the command line:
java -jar ./audit-1.0.jar
It throws an error after trying to access "inputStream":
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
I understand that "/config/config.xml" should point to "/target/audit-1.0.jar!/config/config.xml". However, I would like it to point to "/target/config/config.xml"
Any ideas? Is it possible?
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