Eclipse Javadoc does not render correctly

I am currently trying to set up a working environment in Ubuntu 12.10 and I am currently losing the Javadoc styling in Eclipse. Tooltips and Javadocs shown in the Javadoc perspective do not render HTML at all. This is what my Windows Eclipse installation looks like: Javadoc Perspective Win7

On Ubuntu, it looks completely broken and does nothing right, which is especially distracting when there is a lot of text, code, or other things included in the Javadoc: Javadoc Perspective Ubuntu

Has anyone come across a similar question before or can help otherwise? Note. I also modified my gtkrc slightly to change the tooltip color as it was just dark text on a black background, but that should only change the overall font and background color, not the HTML rendering.

I just found this very close question: Eclipse formatting javadoc tooltips very badly on Ubuntu

However, no one was able to answer the person asking the question


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1 answer

Has the same problem. The solution is very simple: install the libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 package available in the default ubuntu repositories.

(If you are not using Ubuntu, learn how this component is called in your distribution and how to install it)



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