Windows Live SDK not LogOut ()

Microsoft Live ID is now called Microsoft account. Having said that, let me say that I log into Windows 8 like I

launch an application.

This app uses the Live SDK to access my Microsoft account profile. However, before he can do this, I have to give him explicit permission and log in. So far, that's fine.

Although I have given permission to use the application

, I want to change it to

, so I click the application button Logoutwhich requests LiveAuthClient.CanLogout()

from the SDK. Confusingly, the SDK returns false (I cannot log out).

Why? Once the current Windows 8 user has logged into a Windows 8 app using the Windows Live SDK, how can they log out (when CanLogOut () always returns false)? Is there a setting or something that allows this?

It turns out this answer to the question ( the-current) is inaccurate.


source to share

3 answers

check your volume. if you use wl.signin

, you can no longer log out, because that is the only login. Use instead wl.basic

. Read more about the area here . When accidentally used wl.signin

, you need to log into your control panel by manually removing the connection to the app.



this is the expected behavior. Please see the following link.

If a user logs in to Windows 8 with a Microsoft account or a local or domain account connected to a Microsoft account, providing a custom logout button is not affected. So the only way to connect a user to apps with different Microsoft accounts is if the user hasn't linked their Microsoft account to Windows 8.

Hope it helps ...



Make sure you don't use "wl.signin" in your areas. If you've tested this app, go to your account settings for your active account and remove this option from app access. This will now allow multiple users to login.

    private LiveAuthClient authClient;

private void PhoneApplicationPage_Loaded_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    this.authClient = new LiveAuthClient("yourclientidhere");
then you can call this.authClient.Logout(); when you want to change users.




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