How to free memory created by malloc after using execvp?

In my C program I create a child process and in it it parses the string and creates an array of pointers (using malloc()

) to use the transfer in the command execvp()


But the problem is, how do you free the memory that the child created? execvp()

starts a new task and may or may not return. If it doesn't come back, then it was successful and the child dies (and I can't use the command free()

). If it failed, then it returned, then it continues to do the next lines of code, is this the only chance to free memory?


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1 answer

You do not need. In particular, if you allocate memory in a process before a procedure of type exec()

-type is called (for example, execvp()

in your case), all memory associated with the original executable will be released. It's a similar situation with a process exiting (and releasing all of its resources) and a new process starts from scratch.



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