Three.js child grid constant position always (0,0,0)

I have loaded some objects via OBJLoader, the loaded object contains one parent and multiple children; then I apply Raycaster and find the clicked child.

Then I want to update the position of the child, but the original position is zero for all children.

var intersect = intersects[0].object;
intersect.position.y = intersect.position.y + 5; // 0 + 5 


But everything looks good in my scene. Also, if I remove the clicked object, it is actually removed from the scene. I guess I missed some point where their positions cannot be (0,0,0). How can I reach their relative position?


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3 answers

Try this, then read position (). I had the same problem, here was the answer. (geometry is your mesh geometry.)

objMesh.centroid = new THREE.Vector3();
for (var i = 0, l = geom.vertices.length; i < l; i++) {
var offset = objMesh.centroid.clone();

objMesh.geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(-offset.x, -offset.y, -offset.z));





Position relative to parent

Multiply the position by the parent's transform to get the world space coordinates, if that's what you are looking for



This is because all objects in the obj file have their axis of rotation at World 0,0,0 regardless of where their local bar was prior to export.



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