Itemtap event does not fire on all cranes

I am using Sencha Touch 2.1. I have an Ext.carousel.Carousel container and a bunch of Ext.dataview.Dataview as pages inside a carousel.

enter image description here

In each dataview I have a lot of buttons (using CSS) so they are not control buttons but simple divs with fancy styling). I am trying to catch an event itemtap

when the user clicks on the "button".

Everything works fine in the browser on the desktop. On the iPad, however, the touch sensitivity is different and I often don't get an event itemtap

where the user is not careful and is somewhat slow to press the button. The carousel will start to move slightly since an event was detected in the napkin and the carousel should change pages.

I tried to replace itemtap

and use instead itemtouchstart

. Button performance has improved dramatically, but I often see false positives when a user is legitimately browsing.

I am stuck. I want to have usable buttons and also scroll through them to change pages.

Has anyone seen something like this? Or solve it somehow?


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1 answer

This is a known issue, check out this forum post on the sencha forum. Tragically I have the same problem and at the moment it cannot be solved using sencha alone, maybe a solution is available in phonegap but I don't know.



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