LESS Repeat selector declaration inside mixin

I am trying to declare background image icons for some table rows:

.i(@file:'file.png', @type) {
    &.@{type} {
      td:first-child {
        background-image: url('../img/@{file}');


I would like to be able to transfer several types of images at once:

.i('code.png', 'asp, php, rb, py')


and is it efficient to do it:

.i(@file:'file.png', @type) {
  &.@{type4}, {
    td:first-child {
      background-image: url('../img/@{file}');


I know the CSS output will be different, the last code example is for illustration purposes.

Any ideas on how to achieve this rather than just declaring empty selectors as placeholders?


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1 answer

Updated for LESS 1.5

This code provides a more efficient effect in later versions of LESS using the newer features extract()

and functionality length()

available in LESS 1.5+. The result will be the same as in the original example.

.i(@file:'file.png', @types) {

  //find length to make the stop point
  @stopIndex: length(@types);

  //set up our LESS loop (recursive)
  .loopTypes (@index) when (@index =< @stopIndex) {
    @class: extract(@types,@index);
    //print the CSS
    &.@{class} {
        td:first-child {
          background-image: url('../img/@{file}');

        // next iteration
        .loopTypes(@index + 1);

    // "call" the loopingClass the first time getting first item
    .loopTypes (1);

.myClass {
  .i('code.png'; asp, php, rb, py;);


With loops and inline Javascript in LESS 1.3.3

It took hours to come up with (no, I didn't have a ton of free time to work on it, I'm just hopelessly addicted ...). One of the more lengthy parts was figuring out why mine was @stopIndex

not seen as a number using LESS when I was returning an .length

array and throwing a type error. I finally found that I need to explicitly state this in order to see it as a number using the unit()

LESS function .

The solution uses general concepts from these sources:


.i(@file:'file.png', @type) {
  //find length to make the stop point
  @stopIndex: unit(`(function(){ return @{type}.split(",").length})()`);
  //need to get the first item in @type
  @firstClass: ~`(function(){ 
      var clsArray = @{type}.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(",");   
      return clsArray[0]; 

  //set up our LESS loop (recursive)
  .loopTypes (@index, @captureClass) when (@index < @stopIndex) {
    @nextClass: ~`(function(){ 
      var clsArray = @{type}.replace(/\s+/g, '').split(",");
      //don't let it try to access past array length
      if(@{index} < (@{stopIndex} - 1)) {
       return clsArray[@{index} + 1]; 
      else { return '' }

    //print the CSS
    &.@{captureClass} {
        td:first-child {
          background-image: url('../img/@{file}');

        // next iteration
        .loopTypes(@index + 1, @nextClass);

    // define guard expressoin to end the loop when past length
    .loopTypes (@stopIndex, @captureClass) {}

    // "call" the loopingClass the first time getting first item
  .loopTypes (0, @firstClass);

.myClass {
  .i('code.png', 'asp, php, rb, py');


CSS output

.myClass.asp td:first-child {
  background-image: url('../img/code.png');
.myClass.php td:first-child {
  background-image: url('../img/code.png');
.myClass.rb td:first-child {
  background-image: url('../img/code.png');
.myClass.py td:first-child {
  background-image: url('../img/code.png');




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