Virtuoso system requirements

We will be using Virtuoso to store the RDF, the triple count will be 100 million. I need to know what typical RAM, CPU, Disk, etc. should be for this. The query will be from SPARQL, and there will be somewhat complex queries.

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The average size of the virtuoso version 6.x triple (quad) is about 30 bytes, so for 100 million triplets you will need about 3 GB of RAM, this is the most important component that will allow the database working set to be installed in memory, data does not need to be loaded from disk as soon as the database is "warmed up" for best performance. This would be especially important when running complex queries. In disk terms, the faster the faster the database can be loaded into memory, checkpoints, etc., so it is recommended to use SSD or similar devices whenever possible, especially if memory is limited and read data from disk from time to time. As for the processor 64-bit processor 64-bit processor available today, it will generally be sufficienton Linux x86_64 system of your choice as said memory is always the most important component.

See the following virtuoso FAQ and Tuning Settings for more details:



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