Twitter Bootstrap 1024 tablet screen size not 979 on responsive layout

I don't understand why Twitter Bootstrap considers tablet size 768 to 979 and not 768 to 1024 (iPad). The problem is that if a customer requests their own tablet for a tablet, that tablet will not display on the iPad in landscape mode.

Also, if I have content with a sidebar (span9 + span3) if the sidebar is "hidden-tablet" the content will not expand, in fact it will be the same size and I have to overwrite the scrolling dimension of the bootstrap to achieve what I want location.

Am I doing something wrong?


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1 answer

1) I think the idea here is that in general, if someone requests a page with more than 980px, it's more likely to be from a desktop computer than an ipad. Also you can just make your ipad page AND web friendly for these widths :).

If you must have a different design for landscape ipad and web, then the option would be to write a bunch of custom css when the screen is between 980 and 1024px.

@media (min-width 980px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
  //my custom css for ipad landscape


2) You are doing it right. All .hidden-tablet

set todisplay: none;

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) {
  // ... some other code

  .hidden-tablet {
    display: none !important;


It does not do any other type of resizing, so you must do with media queries.



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