How to get signature list from PGPPublicKey using Bouncy Castle library?

I have a PGPPublicKey object. I want to get a list of all signatures (with user id, email id, trust level for each singature) associated with it using the Bouncy Castle API. I tried but couldn't figure it out. If anyone has a link to an example or what method can be used to get it, please let me know.


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1 answer

I've never used these classes, but I thought it might be helpful to post some resources.

It looks like the OpenPGP Bouncy Castle releases include a few examples .

I recommend using these examples to solve your problem. In particular, it looks like you will need to use the classes PGPSignatureList

and PGPSignature

that are used in the examples. However, I don't see emailId

in any of the classes.

Additionally, suggests the following.

Finally, there are also code examples from Getting Started Cryptography with Java that demonstrate both the use of JCE / JCA and some of the Bouncy Castle APIs such as certificate generation, CMS and S / MIME. Note: The book was written to cover J2SE 5.0, while many of the examples will work with earlier JDKs, some will not compile unless you are using J2SE 5.0 or later.



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