Select date range (month / year) in database

I have a quick question regarding selecting dateranges in MySQL, formatted this way YYYY-MM-DD

I have read MySQL for date range selection and understand its basic usage, but how can I enable February 29th? I would like to avoid a PHP workaround, is there anything similar in MySQL?

I cannot understand

can anyone give me an example of how to fetch data for recent years from February?


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2 answers

The moment you specify the month, the MYSQL engine is smart enough to get the correct number of days in a month (whether it's a leap year or not) and evaluate your date fields accordingly.

To get data between two dates of your choice: (using interval -1 year

to get a year ago)

SELECT * FROM yourtable 
WHERE yourdate BETWEEN DATE_ADD(Now(), Interval -1 YEAR)
AND Now() 
AND MONTH(yourdate) = 2 -- to get data for Month of February


Or you can just simply write the YEAR function without BETWEEN

SELECT * FROM yourtable 
WHERE YEAR(yourdate) = YEAR(Now()) - 1
AND MONTH(yourdate) = 2 -- to get data for Month of February


In the question, the Str_to_Date

function is used to convert a string containing a date to a date type with the required format and the inverse DATE_FORMAT


SELECT STR_TO_DATE('12-Apr-2012', '%d-%M-%Y')


Note that in the above demo, you need to specify the location of the day, month, year in the format that you add to the function Str_to_Date


PS: it's pretty vague what you are actually trying to achieve here, without the same data and expected repetitions shown in the question .. :)



Below request will provide you with data for the last year in the month of February

SELECT * FROM `your_table_name` WHERE YEAR(`your_date_field_name`) = YEAR(CURRENT_DATE()) AND MONTH(`your_date_field_name`) = 2




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