ADO.Net Subscriber Transactions

I want to ask how to properly use transactions in ADO.Net Entity Framework (call, rollback, commit)? I have this code but it gives me an exception

"Invalid operation. The connection is closed." 


(In this code, NorthwindEntities inherit "DBContext")

NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities();
DbTransaction tran = context.Database.Connection.BeginTransaction();
var cust = context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CustomerID == "BOLID");
cust.Country = "Nigeria";



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2 answers

To commit a transaction in EF, just call context.SaveChanges()


Internally, it SaveChanges

opens a connection, starts a db transaction, pushes all pending changes tracked by the context into the store, commits a transaction, and drops the connection. If an error occurs while saving the changes, the db transaction is rolled back.

To undo a "transaction" simply drop the context instance.

There is usually no need to use external db transactions with EF.

Note that I am using "transaction" in quotes because the EF tracker for changing context is not the equivalent of a db transaction. When you make some changes to the data tracked by the context, those changes don't immediately affect the store. They are expected until you name SaveChanges




EF has a TransactionScope analogue of the native db transaction. TransactionScope works in your application layer but behaves similar to db transactions and is supported internally by EF)



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