Working PHP CRON within CodeIgniter

I am trying to create a CRON job that points to a function inside a file on a Code Igniter system that I created. I created a CRON job on my CPanel and I tested it with a simple post php function inside a file at the root and it works correctly, however I want to point the CRON job to a location in my MVC structure and for some reason apparently not works.

Here is the CRON job installed on my CPanel:

0 0 * * 1 wget -q -O / dev / null

and here is the controller i want to run. Its location is in system / controllers / cron_event.php:


class Cron extends Controller {

function Cron_event()

 * The index method just displays an access denied message, as we don't support viewing this module in the browser.
function index()
    $this->load->view('themes/base/header', array('title'=>"Access Denied"));


 * Updates the PR Online Calendar by sending out email notifications for events that have not yet had them sent out.

public function send_reminders() {
    $to = '';
    $from = 'bigwavetest';
    $message = 'test';

    mail($to, $from, $message); 



When I point to this controller, CRON stops working.
I have this feeling because I don't include or require Code Igniter framework files, but I'm not sure. Anyone have any ideas why this is not working?
Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

In your cron call, you put:

wget -q -O /dev/null cron_event


I think it should be:

wget -q -O /dev/null



wget -q -O /dev/null


If you removed index.php from your url.



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