Pub does not load dependencies on Windows 7 after updating to lib v2 (SDK 0.3.1_r17328)

After upgrading to version 0.3.1_r17328 from Dart SDK and Dart Editor, I have some problems importing Args library library. I have the same problem either importing Args directly, or importing Web_ui where Args is one of the dependencies.

Here is my pubspec.yaml:

name:  notes
description:  A sample application

  web_ui: 0.3.0+1



name:  notes
description:  A sample application

  args: 0.3.1+1


Here is the error generation from build.dart

Unable to open file:     C:/Users/Fabio/Dropbox/progetti/note/packages/args/args.dart'package:web_ui/component_build.dart': Error: line 25 pos 1: library handler failed
import 'package:args/args.dart';

'file:///C:/Users/Fabio/Dropbox/progetti/note/build.dart': Error: line 1 pos 1: library handler failed
import 'package:web_ui/component_build.dart';



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5 answers

I solved the problem. The Cache (Pub) folder seems to be corrupted.

I deleted the Cache folder: C: \ Users \ <UserName> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Pub

Then I run pub install

from command line and it works.



Unfortunately I was getting the same error with my Windows XP machine.

Eventually, I logged into my Windows 7 machine and was able to download the packages, zip them, and paste the libraries into my Windows XP dart editor. Success!

I had no reason to believe that I had the exact problem with @shindokaku's proxy when using my home computer.

I tried all suggestions for deleting .cache, pub.lock and packages folder and retrying. I removed the dart editor and tried again. I have also tried using git resources to download web-ui and execute commands via command line to no avail

Including suggestions on similar issues:



This problem has plagued me over and over again for several weeks. I am not using Windows, so this answer is not meant to help the original poster that Windows 7 uses.

If you are using Linux, here are the steps I use to repair a corrupted pub cache.

Go to the top level directory of your application. You should see at least pubspec.lock, pubspec.yaml, a folder with package names, and a folder named web. Delete the pubspec.lock folder and folder.

[Make sure you don't store your own libraries in the folder with folders]

cd ~/dart/myApp/
rm -r packages
rm pubspec.lock


Now that you've removed these files:

pub cache repair


Note 1: if your dart-sdk is not in your $ PATH systems, you will use the absolute path to the sdk when using the above command. Please comment if you need it.

Note 2: This is a working solution with Dart 1.5.3. I have not tested this on earlier versions.



Try deleting the pubspec.lock files and packages directory in your project root folder. Then run pub install again when things get messy, which is what I do.



You should try running pub update

. I've sometimes found that this doesn't work as expected from the editor, but it usually works pretty smoothly when called from the command line.



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