Analysis service. Performance issues processing the second dimension

I am working with a Google Analytics app that can create and process DM and Cube. The user can select the dimensions / attributes / measures / hierarchies they want to see in the Cube.

My cube loading / processing thread when I first create and load a cube

1) Create DS, DSV, dimensions, cubic structures 2) Complete processing 3) Process Full cube

After that, the user can change the dimension structure (add / remove attributes) and I need to refresh and reload the cube a second time , the flow is:

1) Update dimensions, cubic structures 2) Complete processing 3) Process Full cube

I have a performance issue when I do the Complete process a second time across dimensions because it recycles related measure groups and partitions.

Any suggestion that I can change the stream structure would be appreciated


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1 answer

Simple but effective changes, as Microsoft recommends, always "process the data" and then "process the indexes" instead of the "full process". Link:



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