Serialization and deserialization of arrays of objects in Cryo

I recently tested Kryo for serialization and deserialization and was generally happy with it, however it is not clear how to handle a series (de) of a class that contains an array of objects. The class contains final fields, so I can't seem to use the default FieldSerializer (error "Class could not be created (no no-arg constructor)", but no-arg constructor is inappropriate for the final primitive). So, given the class

public class DataObject{
     private final double field1;
     private final double field2;
     private SubObject[] children;

public class SubObject{
     private final double field1;
     private final double field2;


How do I write a serializer / deserializer efficiently to handle this? My guess is that I am missing something in that will allow me to do this in a custom serializer, but that might not be the right way.


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1 answer

the question was asked 3 years ago so it is silly to write an answer for it, but I found the solution described directly in the kryo

readme file

here is the link

Basically, when you serialize an object with a simple call writeObject(Output, Object)

without providing your own serializer, it kryo

uses the default FieldSerializer

, which requires a no-argument constructor.

You can provide a private no-argument constructor that kryo

will be called using the mechanism reflection

. I think this is a suitable way to do what you need, because the private constructor of zero arguments does not violate architecture principles.



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