Passing a two-dimensional array through functions
I have an interesting situation with passing a two-dimensional array through functions.
The array is declared in the form level area:
I am trying to rewrite part of my code from VB6 where I have a workable example.
Dim myArray(,) As Double
Then I get a sub where the array is redrawn and populated according to the data, something like this, symbolic situation:
Public Sub mySub(ByVal myArray(,) As Double)
Dim temparray() As Double = {3, 5, 7, 9}
For a As Double = 0 temparray.length - 1
ReDim Preserve myarray(2, temparray(a))
Next a
myArray(1, 5) = 3.14
... etc...
End Sub
And finally, I would like to fill and read data in an array from another sub:
Debug.Print(myArray(1, 5))
And here I am getting the error:
An object reference is not set on an object instance.
The data in mySub is populating correctly, but I cannot see this data when I call sub.
What am I doing wrong and how can I get this script to work?
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