Can we change the css of facebook social plugins?

Possible duplicate:
How to remove Facebook text for Facebook plugins?

I am new to facebook social plugins and I wanted to customize the css of the social plugins provided by facebook. Basically I want to change the way the logo and bezel are displayed. I want to show faces from faces into a circle, not a rectangular box.

I have read the facebook developer docs but there is little documentation on setting up social plugins. I also searched for it on stackoverflow and other websites, but the answer given there doesn't work as facebook changed the social plugin to NOV 7,2012.

I also read the solution on line 25 website and on StackOverflow question ... but both of them don't work. Any help would be appreciated.


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2 answers

Actually, you can (or can) make some plugins a little tweaked. In Like Box or Fan Box, you can add an external CSS file from the & css = parameter when calling the iframe src. But it looks like work has stopped in recent days.

Has anyone got this problem? I'm looking for anwser but couldn't find anything.



No, you cannot update or override the css of the facebook plugins because most of the facebook plugins are rendered in an iframe.



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