Access violation in pointer arithmetic

With code:

int nsize;
int * buffer;
char TargetBuffer[4096];
const SIZE_T buffersize = (320*240) * sizeof(int);

buffer = (int *) malloc(bufferSize);
// fill buffer with data

nsize = 0;
while(nsize < buffersize)
    // HERE after some loops i get Access Violation
    memcpy(TargetBuffer, buffer + nsize, 4096);

    // do stuff with TargetBuffer
    nsize += 4096;


Why am I getting an access violation? What should I change?


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3 answers

When you add buffer + nsize

, you have to understand what you are actually adding buffer + (nsize * (sizeof(int))

, as it int *

is when you do pointer arithmetic.

So it probably has something to do with it. Try increasing nsize by nsize += 4096/sizeof(int)

or something smarter.



I would do something like this:

SIZE_T left = buffersize;
nsize = 0;

    SIZE_T block = (left >= 4096)?4096:left;
    // HERE after some loops i get Access Violation
    memcpy(TargetBuffer, buffer, block);
    buffer += (left) / sizeof(*buffer);

    // do stuff with TargetBuffer
    left -= block;


I'm sure the problem you are seeing is that you are going over the edge because your code doesn't care about dimensions that are not multiples of 4K.



Update the loop while


while(nsize < (buffersize/sizeof(int))



for int

, not char

. int

takes multiple bytes, you re-read and copy from memory that is not part buffer




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