Websphere Commerce: Sorting Results <wcf: getData ...>

Is there a way to get the collation data of an IBM Websphere Commerce Foundation (WCF) database?

eg. this snippet from the WebSphere Commerce JSP file:

<wcf:getData type="com.ibm.commerce.store.facade.datatypes.GeoNodeType[]"
             var="geoNodes" varException="geoNodeException" expressionBuilder="findChildGeoNodesByGeoNodeUniqueID">
  <wcf:param name="accessProfile" value="IBM_Store_All" />
  <wcf:param name="parentUniqueId" value="${provinceId}" />


How do I get this to sort the data by a given data field in the GeoNodeType? Can I add something like <wcf:param name="sortBy" value="Description" />



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1 answer

The ExpressionBuilder "findChildGeoNodesByGeoNodeUniqueID" from your example is declared in /Stores/WebContent/WEB_INF/config/com.ibm.commerce.store/get-data-config.xml as follows:



According to the builder-expression in the docs tag, if no language-expression is specified within the builder - expression , the default language is XPath. Unfortunately XPath doesn't maintain order.

I assume you can still implement your own ExpressionBuilder class (I didn't), implement any sorting inside this new class, and then specify it in get-data-config.xml



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