How to tell if I have configured Azure Caching correctly for session state

I can check the Session object that says it's Custom, but I can't see how the cache size grows on Azure (management portal). How can I find out if session information is stored. If I miss the spell, the caching url gives me an error. Also, is there any way to check if something has been added to the cache?

 <sessionState mode="Custom" customProvider="AppFabricCacheSessionStoreProvider" compressionEnabled="false" timeout="50" >
              <add name="AppFabricCacheSessionStoreProvider"



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1 answer

There is no "cache browser" that I know of (but would be glad to be wrong because that would be cool and interesting), so the only way to know the state of the testing session is to make sure you have at least two instances of your role, have one page that sets the value in the session and the other is the value. Use the setup page once, then go to the reading page and fill in the refresh button in your browser. If you see the correct value every time, then the cache is working because at least one of the requests was sent to an instance that you did not set the value to. Not pretty, but there you go.



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