What's the best way to implement a dynamic property in a C # object?

I have several class objects, each requiring a url field that is always formatted in the same way via a parameter TypeId

, another property of the class.

What is the best way to abstract this as a dynamic property, so the url field is generated based on properties TypeId

and ItemId

from a class.

I can think of many ways to do this, but was wondering what the recommended practice is.

See example below:

public class MyObject
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string URL
            if (TypeId == 3)
                return "/do/this/" + ItemId;
            if (TypeId == 5)
                return "/do/that/" + ItemId;
            return "#";
    public int ItemId { get; set; }
    public int TypeId { get; set; }



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4 answers

You can set up a dictionary with all known TypeIds and Func<int, string>

to return a URL. You can even make it possible to add new TypeIds and URL formatting functions at runtime:

private Dictionary<int, Func<int, string>> _urlFormatters;

public string URL
    get { return _urlFormatters[TypeId](ItemId); }

// In the constructor or some other init area:
    _urlFormatters = new Dictionary<int, Func<int, string>>
            { 3, itemId => "/do/this/" + itemId },
            { 5, itemId => "/do/that/" + itemId }




You can take it one step further and implement its full object:

public abstract class MyObject
    public int ItemId { get; set; }
    public virtual string URL { get { return "#"; } }
public class MyObjectType3 : MyObject
    public override string URL { get { return "/do/this/" + ItemId; } }
public class MyObjectType5 : MyObject
    public override string URL { get { return "/do/that/" + ItemId; } }


It depends if you have many types, if this logic makes sense or not.
It's just a different solution, but the one you give looks good too.



abstract class BaseClass {
    public int ItemId { get; set; }
    public abstract string BaseUrl { get; }
    public string Url {
        get {
            return BaseUrl + ItemId;

class Type3 : BaseClass {
    public override string BaseUrl {
        get { return "/do/this/"; }

class Type5 : BaseClass {
    public override string BaseUrl {
        get { return "/do/that/"; }




You can do this in a base class that other classes inherit from ...



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