MacOS: libvlc path for plugins in app bundle

My MacOS application uses libVLC plugin to play video file in application window. libVLC is dynamically linked, but when I try to get a new vlc instance with "libvlc_new" the following error is printed (and the variable meant to hold the pointer to the vlc instance is NULL):

Basic libvlc error: no plugins found! Check your VLC installation.

I want to include vlc plugins directly in the package. I tried to put them in different places in the application package, but libVLC doesn't find them.

Where should I store the vlc plugins / how can I tell libVLC where to look for the plugins?



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2 answers

According to this tutorial , in a wiki videotape, you pass arguments (like argc

/ argv

) to libvlc_new()

to define its behavior. One of them is --plugin-path




LibVLC states:

There are absolutely no guarantees or promises regarding forward, backward, and cross-platform compatibility with libvlc_new () arguments. We recommend that you do not use them except when debugging.

so it would be nice to offer another answer to this question.

The plugin path can be set by setting the VLC_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable:

setenv ("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH", path, 1);


I haven't found any way to do this via the API.



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