Remove function list from doxygen

I have a problem with doxygen documentation. In the Files section, is it possible to remove the list of functions at the top of the page with a flag in the doxyfile? If not, is there a way to insert a section (with the doxygen command in the source code in cpp) before this "Functions" list.


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1 answer


in NO



in YES


Don't document the elements you want to hide.

You can also use EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS

to exclude some of the documented elements: The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the output. The symbol name can be a fully qualified name, a word, or the wildcard * substring is used. Examples: ANamespace, AClass, AClass :: ANamespace, ANamespace :: * Test



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