C # MongoDB driver copydb admin login

I am trying to use a command copydb

in mongodb.

When I do this, I get the following exception:

Command 'copydb' failed: access denied; use admin db (response: { "errmsg" : "access denied; use         
admin db", "ok" : 0.0 })


I tried to log in as administrator but failed because I am not using username and password.

How can I log in as an administrator without a username and password? Why do I need to register as an administrator if I already have the privileges to do drop


Thank you in advance

m_mongoDatabase.RunCommand(new CommandDocument(new BsonElement("copydb", (BsonValue) 1),
    new BsonElement("fromdb", (BsonValue) from),
    new BsonElement("fromhost", (BsonValue) fromHost),
    new BsonElement("todb", (BsonValue) to)));



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1 answer

I think the problem is that you are not connecting first to the "admin" database on the target instance.

I can perform the required operation using the following code:

var client = new MongoClient(MongoUrl.Create("mongodb://localhost:27018"));
        var m_mongoDatabase = client.GetServer().GetDatabase("admin");
        var result = m_mongoDatabase.RunCommand(
            new CommandDocument(new BsonElement("copydb", 1),
                new BsonElement("fromhost", "localhost"),
                new BsonElement("fromdb", "sourcedb"),
                new BsonElement("todb", "targetdb")));


Note that I first get a link to the admin database. When I didn't do this and used another regular database, I got the same error as you.

So, to do this, use the admin database for the value "m_mongoDatabase"

Hope it helps

Edit: This is the same behavior when using mongodb shell, so this is not a problem with csharpdriver



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