Javascript: running setInterval only once

Possible duplicate:
setInterval - How to run only once?

I would like to run the following code only once, so after 2 seconds it will change the iframe src, but it won't try to do it over and over again.

<script type="text/javascript">
    setInterval(function () {document.getElementById('iframe').src = "";}, 2000);



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3 answers

You are looking for setTimeout()

one that does exactly that.




        // code to run after 5 seconds...
}, 5000);


or by moving your method to an external context

function myMethod(){
    // code to run after 5 seconds...

window.setTimeout(myMethod, 5000);


The latter is useful if you have a method that you do not plan to execute ONLY with this timeout.



Use setTimeout , you can see more details on the Mozilla website.



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