Comparing array index with string?

I am trying to compare an index from my char array with a string, I am using the .equals method, but I am getting errors. Any help?

if (j[1].equals("A"))
{j[1] = 10;}


I keep getting this error:

int cannot be dereferenced
else if (j[1].equals("A"))



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3 answers

To compare single characters, you need to use an operator ==

because it char

is a primitive type and Java does not allow calling methods on primitive types. Also, you cannot directly compare to a string, you need to compare with char

. Type constants are char

written with single quotes, not double quotes, which denote string constants.

So your code will look like this:

if (j[1] == 'A') 


Then you have to use another variable to store the value 10

. While it is theoretically possible to store it in an array (characters are also numbers), it would be very confusing code. Thus, use an extra variable int


Also note that in Java you should be talking about char

s, not char

s. The reason is that there is also a class name Character

that also represents a single character, but as an object instead of a primitive type. Thus, when you speak char

, it is not clear if you have char





Try this instead:

if (j[1] == 'A')


If the array j

contains char

s, you should compare its values ​​with another char

, not with String

(even if the string is 1 in length) - these are different data types. And since a char

is a primitive type, it is ==

used for equality comparison.



If j [1] is an array char

(primitive, not an object Character

), you cannot call the equals method on it, just as you cannot call 1.equals("A")


So this will work (using objects)

    char[] array = new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
    boolean equals = array[0].equals('a'); // Cannot invoke equals(char) on
                                            // the primitive type char
    Character.valueOf('a').equals(Character.valueOf(array[0])); //This works


Or this using primitives:

    char[] array = new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
    boolean anotherEquals = array[0] == 'a'; // This works




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